Club Meetings
The Fort Bend Astronomy Club meets monthly, usually on the third Friday of the month at 6:45 PM, in Stafford, Texas in Auditorium W102 of the Scarcella Building at the Houston Community College Southwest Campus..
The Scarcella Building is a single story building with a red roof. The meeting is in Auditorium W102 (see the building map below) . Park to the East of the Scarcella Building in the Staff / Faculty Parking Lot - located to the right of the Campus Main Entrance - as shown on the second map below. Then, enter the Scarcella Building from the side door off the Staff / Faculty Parking Lot.
FBAC usually holds two presentations, followed by the club's business meeting.
Meetings start promptly at 6:45pm and are open to the public. Our presentations are on various astronomical and science related topics.
FBAC meetings are held at:
Houston Community College Southwest Campus
10141 Cash Rd.
Stafford, Texas 77477